Dreamore Progress

Yay Dreamore
A significant milestone achieved this week 😁
And good news is worth sharing!

As y'all know, Dreamore is more than one thing:
1. a purpose-driven recruiting & advisory firm,
2. a positive way of thinking,
3. 10 acres of land in coastal California being developed for home, business, investment, creativity, and "whatever else we can imagine".

After five years of concerted effort and personal investment,
The California Coastal Commission is finally ready to schedule my hearing!

Once approved, this is DONE.
No more uncertainty.
No more annual fee to keep it active.
No more tedious process of corrections, and more corrections.
I can finally confirm a budget and timeline for construction!
I can finally talk to investment partners with credibility.
And this milestone vests the land in a way that creates a jump in value.

Please celebrate with me -
All you other founders, and investors, and builders of dreams -
The journey may be long, and complex, but it's always worth it in the end.
Don't give up!
I wanted to give up many times over the last five years.
Grateful for the friends and peers who encouraged me in sad moments.
Truly grateful for the team I hired "getting it done"
They leveraged their deep relationships and expertise in ways I never could.

In addition to approval from the California Coastal Commission,
I am still navigating all sorts of planning and permits with Los Angeles:
Fire engineering,
Fuel modification,
Drilling a well,
Architecting the buildings,
Trail easement,
and other stuff I can't remember at this moment πŸ˜†

This isn't even my real career.
But an amazing series of experiences and stories to share,
Along with the inspiring and healing vibes of the land itself.

Someday this photo will show a real building -
Just like the mockup from an earlier post.
Hope to see you there someday 😁


Nature’s Cycles


Founder Stress